Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Men of Five Nations International

Hello to readers, Thank you for being so patient for this book and for your patience this book contains all three stories of the remaining men of five nations international. Captured Hearts is the story of Prescott Hawk, Alex Grayson and Thai Andrews. I hope you find that is worth the wait and enjoy the story. Thank you again to all my wonderful readers. And I want to apologize to my readers that purchase my books on Nook, due to an error by my assist the final book in the Landry/ Fabrizio series won't be available on Nook until the end of April. Again I do apologize and this will not happen in the future.


  1. Can I ask what are the previous books in this series and when they will be available for the Nook?

  2. the other books in this series are The Samurai's Kunoichi Wife and Wedding Day Deception and I plan to have those available on Nook some time this month.
